Well, I never been feeling very alive lately due to my gaming / internet life, and working on projects is like literally working in the real world except at home, so the blog runs into hiatus many times, sorry about that. To the pony fans out there, I'm a Button Mash.
Anyway, I give you Rarity in her pink lacey bra and panties with some frills too. You can view the panty edit animation in http://adenyne.deviantart.com/art/Rarunderwear-533713948
And a vector provided by Yanoda, http://yanoda.deviantart.com/art/Embarrassed-Rarity-au-Naturale-533466638
I now give you here, my Rarity with her hot lingerie after Discord vacuum up her dress as seen in "Make New Friends but Keep Discord". Sorry for not providing extra color variations, reason is simple, Rarity is covering herself, so I can't give much for you all to enjoy. Well, I hope you like it.